Geboortejaar: 1946
Huisarts dr. Vernon Coleman wordt met meer dan 100 boeken, waaronder diverse bestsellers, beschouwd als de meest gelezen medische auteur van Groot Brittannië. Vanwege zijn ingetogen presentatie, enorme kennis en altijd goed onderbouwde boeken en artikelen heeft hij in de loop der jaren altijd zeer positieve kritieken van de media ontvangen.
Sinds het begin van de corona-gebeurtenis is dat echter totaal veranderd, want Coleman heeft zich radicaal tegen het corona beleid gekeerd. Ook zijn YouTube kanaal is geblokkeerd. Op alternatieve videokanalen geeft hij in een nieuwe lezing zijn tot nu toe hardste en meest angstwekkende waarschuwing ooit: de Covid-19 vaccins kunnen volgens hem ‘het hele menselijke ras uitroeien’. Volgens Coleman zijn vele miljoenen vaccindoden nu al niet meer te voorkomen.
Year of birth: 1946
Vernon Coleman is an English anti-vaccination activist, AIDS denialist, blogger and novelist who writes on topics related to human health, politics and animal issues.
He was formerly a newspaper columnist and general practitioner (GP).
Coleman is the only child of an electrical engineer. He was raised in Walsall, Staffordshire, in the West Midlands of England, where he attended Queen Mary's Grammar School. He attended a medical school in Birmingham.
After publishing his first book, The Medicine Men, in 1976, which accused the National Health Service of being controlled by pharmaceutical companies, Coleman left the NHS. Coleman has since written under multiple pen names; in the late 1970s he published three novels about life as a GP under the name Edward Vernon.
Titels in ons aanbod / Books in our store
Coleman's Laws: Twelve essential medical secrets which could save your life
Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe and Effective is Lying
Superbody: How to Boost Your Immune System
Endgame: The Hidden Agenda 21
Why and How Doctors Kill More People Than Cancer
What the papers say about the author and his books:
"The living terror of the British medical establishment." - Irish Times
Vernon Coleman writes brilliant books - The Good Book Guide
He's the Lone Ranger, Robin Hood and the Equalizer rolled into one - Glasgow Evening Times
No thinking person can ignore him - The Ecologist
The calmest voice of reason - The Observer
A godsend - Daily Telegraph
Superstar - Independent on Sunday
King of the media docs - The Independent
Britain's leading medical author - The Star
Britain's leading health care campaigner - The Sun
Compulsive reading - The Guardian
Brilliant - The People
The man is a national treasure - What doctors don't tell you
Revered guru of medicine -Nursing Times
His advice is optimistic and enthusiastic -British Medical Journal
Marvellously succinct, refreshingly sensible - The Spectator
The patients' champion - Birmingham Post
Perhaps the best known health writer for the general public in the world today - The Therapist
He writes lucidly and wittily - Good Housekeeping
The doctor who dares to speak his mind - Oxford Mail
It's impossible not to be impressed - Western Daily Press
Probably one of the most brilliant men alive today - Irish Times